Bečki bal, već tradicionalni centralni događaj Bečkog tjedna u Opatiji, okupio je ljubitelje valcera i gastro-gurmane na predivnoj večeri s plesom. Galeriju koju smo pripremili pogledajte na sljedećem linku
Galeriju s degustacije vina i humanitarne modne revije pogledajte ovdje.
Otvorenje Red Carpet Award Croatia izložbe u UP Šporer pogledajte ovdje.
At the Viennese Ball, the main event of the Vienna Week in Opatija, waltz and fine food lovers got together for a wonderful evening full of dance. You can browse through our picture gallery by clicking here.
Pictures from the Wine tasting and the Lions fshion show can be found here.
The Red Carpet Award exhibition can be browsed in the following gallery.